The following setup allows Alvin to access Redshift metadata and query history, without being able to touch the underlying data.
1. Create Alvin user permissions
Choose a name for the user, and enable access to Redshift system/usage tables.
Alvin also needs a data warehouse usage permissions for issuing certain queries. When this step is done, Alvin can access queries from the Redshift query history.
2. Grant access to all databases of interest
This step ensures that Alvin is able to access metadata such as tables, views and columns.
The important part here is that this step needs to be performed for all schemas of interest. future
grants that anything created within the schema at a later stage is picked up.
3. Whitelist Alvin IP (Optional)
If your organization restricts Redshift access to a specific set of IP addresses, Alvin will only access your Redshift through the following IP, add it to your Allowed IP Addresses list:
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