Introduction to Query Optimizer
With Alvin's Query Optimizer it's possible to save more than 50% of your BI query spend automatically, with the flip of a switch!
The Query Optimizer is currently available for Looker, dbt and BigQuery, with more tools and data warehouses coming soon.
Whilst BigQuery/Looker is a great combination for BI, Looker generates very condensed and complex SQL from explores/filters and other sources of configuration like user attributes.
The generated SQL is not optimized to run in your data warehouse, leading to poor query performance and the busting of the BigQuery cache, even if the underlying data hasn't changed.
Many of these anti-patterns are, once you have the generated SQL, fixable on the fly.
Alvin's query optimizer is a proxy that intercepts and rewrites your Looker queries, allowing the same consistent data, delivered faster and cheaper, with zero impact on the results, and very little effort on the user end (simple configuration in Looker).
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